Portrait of author Tom Chiles
Tom Chiles

Lead Product Manager

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Peak and UiPath: seamless connectors combining intelligent automation and specialist supply chain AI

By Tom Chiles on September 6, 2024

End-to-end automation across inventory and pricing, combining the flexibility of the UiPath platform and the intelligence of Peak machine learning decisions.

Why Peak and UiPath?

I joined Peak after working for five years in the robotic process automation (RPA) space. I wanted to work on products that apply data-based automation where more complex decisions are possible with specific models. This approach, based on an input data model, is a very robust and sophisticated way to massively improve how current decisions are made within inventory and pricing use cases. 

But what happens before or after we make a complex decision on Peak? Decisions like what should I offer in terms of price for this particular customer, in this region, with this complex basket of goods? How do we allow organizations to transform complex decision intelligence in their supply chain, to true end-to-end process augmentation and automation, with Peak at the core of this process? This is where UiPath comes in. 

UiPath is the world leader in intelligent automation. The platform offers a huge variety of methods to extract data from source systems, automate interactions via a screen UI or system API and generate assets, such as emails or documents. Combining the UiPath platform for both data ingestion from business source systems and unstructured data (e.g., emails) into Peak, and taking an action after a Peak machine learning (ML) decision — such as building a final quote document and sending it to a customer via email — allows for truly intelligent end-to-end processes at scale.

What have we built?

We’ve officially launched our joint connectors to seamlessly connect the two platforms. These connectors allow UiPath process developers to easily integrate directly and securely with the Peak platform via APIs. 

These two connectors are:

  • Peak Ingestion API: easily ingest new data into Peak using any UiPath method for data extraction 
  • Peak Workflow API: manage and trigger Peak ML processes, to make automatic decisions once data has been ingested

Now available on UiPath marketplace

You can find both connectors here — hit the button to check them out!

Results so far

UiPath flexibility combined with Peak’s decision intelligence is resulting in enormous process improvements and business KPI impact. 

Heidelberg Materials, a joint Peak and UiPath customer, is using these connectors now as part of an end-to-end quote pricing process, with game-changing results including 10,000+ hours saved per year and a 1.83% improvement in conversion

The combination of UiPath x Peak has enabled us to get intelligence into the hands of business users in a fast, scalable way. Without their connectivity these team’s would not be able to use AI in their decision making.

Heidelberg Materials

What’s next?

Peak will be at UiPath FORWARD, along with Heidelberg Materials, in Las Vegas in October.

At the world’s premier AI and automation event, I’ll be talking on stage with Ramsay Grove, discussing how we utilized the new UiPath connector builder functionality to rapidly get our integrations built and listed on the UiPath marketplace — enabling our joint customers to easily use our integrations in their automation process designs.

You can also catch our VP Strategy & Partnerships, Chris Ashley, on stage with Heidelberg’s James Moorhouse to learn more about the amazing results we’re driving for our customers through a combination of Peak and UiPath technology.

Peak at UiPath FORWARD

Date: 21-24 October 2024
Time: 09:00 PDT
Location: MGM Grand, Las Vegas

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