Demand shaping
Manage competing objectives across your organization with connected Decision Intelligence
Marketing and merchandising in harmony
Demand shaping is the process of creating your own demand.
Connecting your systems together with Decision Intelligence, so you can proactively manage your stock and match the competing objectives across areas of your business.
With demand shaping marketing knows exactly what to advertise based on stock levels. The recommendations on your website reflect the stock levels in your warehouse.
Using the full power of Decision Intelligence to make smarter, more connected decisions to make your business run smoother.
With demand shaping you can…
Demand shaping, your competitive advantage
World class customer experience
The pandemic has increased customers' expectations of convenience – if you don’t have the right product they’ll go somewhere else. Demand shaping helps you consistently maintain availability and serve customers with the products they want.
Have full trust in your decisions
With AI connecting decision making and considering all your data across merchandising and marketing your business can run smoother and be more harmonious.
Maximize the margin for every product
With a hyper personalized and dynamic approach to pricing, you can ensure you're never marking a product down too early.
What demand shaping could look like in your business
Your website recommendations synced with your warehouse
Your recommendation engine knows there’s a problem in your warehouse and it automatically swaps out products for similar ones with higher stock levels.
Selling to your highest LTV customers
For hot products you know will sell out, you prioritise selling to your high value customers who will also buy the add-ons like insurance or accessories, maximizing the monetary impact of a sale.