WATCH | Agentic AI: Powering the future of transformation
By Chris Ashley on January 30, 2025Agentic AI is on the rise, but what does it mean for businesses in the retail, CPG and manufacturing space?
Recorded live at UiPath Forward 2024 in Las Vegas, Peak’s Chris Ashley (VP Global Strategy, Business Development & Partnerships) caught up with leading AI influencer and CEO of Intelligent World, Ronald van Loon. Together they explore the rapidly-changing AI landscape and how a combination of agentic and predictive AI is helping companies to drive huge commercial outcomes and improve overall business performance.
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welcome welcome to our booth tour here to transform with AI but especially about a Agentic AI for agentic AI the key question of course is what kind of skills do you need we’re
going to discuss even how children start working with AI up to let’s say the experts if you’re an
expert and you want to educate yourself about Ai and want to start using it but also if you have
only industry knowledge or you have no knowledge at all how to get equipped to be successful with
agentic AI but much more we have some great great cases where we have insights in the cpg
market in the retail market and Manufacturing Market where we’re going to Deep dive and see
what is the current status of agentic AI where are we and what’s the path to success but also with companies like Canon where we dive deep into their whole journey from how they went
from nothing and some failure up to successful implementations of AI and now moving to agentic AI
and last but not least we’re going to talk about the company there is a lot of buz around positive
buz inflection AI they do something different something different than all the other llm
companies and there’s a reason for this where I believe many companies are waiting for this many
enterpris are waiting for this and I’m going to talk to Ted Shelton he’s a CO and he’s going to
unve his strategy and why it is so important so sorry about this join me and I’m going to rveal
these great stories here at uipath forward number seven already in Vegas great stories so let’s go
this again is a process that takes hours document processing is one of the key type of activities in
many organizations don’t end I have to found two people one from Canon and one from Green
Light Consulting and they had great case great case where they use document understanding and
document processing hi Thomas are you on hi nice how are you good agentic AI we have seen
Danielle doing his speech one part is the document understanding is part of agentic AI you’re working
at Canon yes and you work together on a project with document understanding maybe you can explain
how you started and how you moving step by step to agentic AI sure maybe you can kick off and
explain how did you get because I can imagine it’s not such an easy project right so how did you get
started so I think the best way to start is I heard somebody say yesterday AP invoices aren’t easy so we learned that right so and Canon has a lot of invoices a lot um so that’s a positive
thing yeah yes yes well you know the one the money goes out the door not so much but um you know so
we had a lot of invoices so one of our areas that we started with 4,000 invoices a month so um we
had uh a lot of people working on this just all entering invoices all day and we knew that we had
to to get better at this more efficient more optim optimal process um so we reached out to
uipath and I asked you know do you have something that can help us with this influx of invoices so
introduced us to Greenlight uh and they came in and introduced us to document understanding and
so you know we started the process I think uh took us about four or 5 months the first
test to get it up and running um and it’s been processing the invoices seamlessly I think we
have 90 over 90% stre through to our EBS system so that’s awesome so you know our staff isn’t sitting
there keying invoices all day uh and our team has become less of a payment Factory and more on the
vendor relation side right so this wasn’t about a headcount reduction this was about how can we use
our staff more appropriately right so a lot more vendor relations now uh they’re working together
with the vendors so but when you started you mentioned to me you had to struggle and then
you called youran yeah so our first pass at this was uh we failed right so you know it didn’t work
uh after about a year we shut it down it just it just wasn’t going to work um we were seeing maybe 35% straight through which is not it’s we’re better off keying them by hand at that
point right you see that quite often so you jump tons of times right and so what happens is I think
the technology is something that customers don’t know how to get going with at first and our team
has like a a blueprint for how to get this done uh we came in and did the first few automations
3 4 months something like that um and really showed like real success right and then we’ve
helped Canon kind of grow their team and be self- sustaining now right so that they can take the
next steps toward work agentic automation MH and invoice is quite a structured type of document if
so actually we started with the harder invoices right so they were very unstructured documents so um so we started with the hard stuff first right and then you know we just recently went so we were
so happy with the results of that we actually uh transferred all our AP invoices to document
understanding with green lights assistance um I can tell you their expertise in this area we would have never got it would never got it done without green light coming in and helping us you
know guide us down that that path so and we were talking about gentic AI so what kind of steps do
you see happening the coming 6 to 12 months you spoke even with with Daniel and probably you as
well um I I like to have both your views so you want to kick off sure so I mean first things first
we got to get to the Cloud right to really take advantage of these things so we’re we’re working with Canon right now to get them migrated to the cloud right uh and I think we’re going to
start to build that road map for what those use cases look like right once we’re there right uh
so we’re going to work with Tom and his team to build that funnel out and can you say something about this use case or you can jump in yeah so um we had we were very fortunate to have Daniel
visit Canon uh and he met with our CFO and our CTO about you know how how can we use these tools
autopilot um all the uh agent agenic uh RPA so we uh actually are systems that Canon are very
Antiquated they’re old right and Canon does not want to continue to invest in these systems right
so I think they foresee using for example like an autopilot on top of these older systems and have
autopilot kind of do the heavy lifting that these systems can’t do anymore for us um so in one area
especially is our copier billing so copier billing is very uh tedious and not easy a lot of steps a
lot of different contracts so we think autopilot can definitely assist that right so and ease the
burden off our our staff a little bit and where’s then the agentic part jumping in because currently
you’re more using API and document understanding so where’s which part of the agentic is the next
step that you’re going to use I think as Johan said we’re kind of Road mapping that right now
how we’re going to use this but I definitely think we have a couple of good use cases um I can tell you in my area which is finance um you know just giving our users easier access to the
numbers so one of the struggles we have today is when Senior Management asks for something it’s
kind of a scramble to get the number right so um we would love to have a tool like agent agentic
a AI over it to uh you know ask the question what what were our sales in copier last you know this
copier Division and have that returned right back to our CFO or our president right to not have this
scramble to get numbers all the time and I I think the thing that’s important to realize is that the automation part is still part of the agentic automation right so uh we’re still figuring out
what the bones and muscle of the automation has to be to so the agents can leverage that and return
return data and results faster and one part of the agentic AI is either have more autonomous
type of um processes do you see that happening as well or you have this already implemented where
some parts of the process are autonomous or do you still monitor it so uh I and we my team is mostly
we we keep all that in in the in our division so we run we create the Bots we you know we we time
them a lot of them are unattended so they run it various times so we manage that all we have not really um become a little we’re very centralized when it comes to RPA right so we haven’t gone
with that decentralized model yet and one of the other part is people are scared yes and they say
oh everything is re replaced we don’t have a job anymore but you I think you are the example where
the opposite is happening the the thing I think that people don’t realize is how much more you can do I I don’t know uh Tom you’ve mentioned before about you would think AP invoicing and automation
is not going to be a way to generate money but because you can have better conversations with your C with with your uh vendors right you can actually find a way to um invoice faster and
generate and generate money better right and and it doesn’t feel straightforward right so it’s not
about replacing job it’s it’s about doing the work better right faster right better service levels so
a Canon traditionally we never were able to take advantage of cash discounts that our vendors off at us yeah just because everything took so long to process the invoices right so today we’re actually
starting to take cash discounts in a lot of them right and it really that really goes right to our bottom line right and the CFO loves that right so um so that’s one thing I can say has been huge for
us and it was a benefit you didn’t I don’t know if you saw coming we did not plan for that yeah it was not planned at all right so it was one nice benefit that came out of this and this
is basically a whole process you went through if there are many companies that need to start with
just maybe RPA or more with AI how should they get started I truthfully I finance you know this is
just a finance guy here uh and as he’ll tell you but uh I think Finance is a great place to to go
always because it’s it’s heavily rule-based right um and repeatable and data accuracy is Paramount
right so it’s a great it’s a you can find a lot of great candidates in the finance area for sure yeah
so we live in a world of socks and GAP there’s rules right you said we have a lot of rules in accounting right so this does things that we don’t have to worry about that things are accurate we
like accuracy a lot so um and we like things done quickly but and accurate so that’s what
we’ve been able to to do perfect great insights in your story thanks nice to meet you Thomas
great and uh I’m going to to the next booth and uh thanks for for the great story thank you thank you
thanks I love this type of insights how they went step by step basically failing first and
based upon the failure understand that they needed help um asked an expert team from from
Green Light Consulting and helped them with the step-by-step process to get started in the the
domain of Finance with this document process and document understanding and build a great use case
which is probably relevant for you as well so let’s go to the next booth and see how they can
help you in understanding how to start with the gentic AI and step byep move into that direction
so let’s see if we can find some more people who have a different perspective on agentic AI um I
know Chris um Chris is really a thought leader in the domain for retail for CP G for manufacturing
and especially with regards to pricing and um inventory optimization Chris hi pleasure to
meet you some great speech from Daniel about the gentic AI but you are in a specific domain and
one it’s for Price optimization for inventory optimization especially in retail in in cpg manufacturing working for larger Enterprises so I would like to have an understanding in where are
we now today with the gentic AI Daniel explained five steps two of them were already there now
but how is the cpg market how is the retail Market how are you working with price optimization today
in this road map to ortic yeah sure I I think uh it’s an exciting time in the technology space
we’ve gone from several years ago deterministic analytics business Insight through to predictive
and probabilistic capabilities with machine learning through to the huge hype created with chat GPT hitting the market a couple of years ago generative L lamps and now a which can hopefully
pull all of those pre-existing Technologies together to unleash a new era of business
performance and uplift so I think where we’re at today we have machine learning optimization
that’s being leveraged by the likes of Nike hyberg materials in retail manufacturing uh to drive huge
margin uplifts productivity uplifts uh conversion rate uplifts using sophisticated machine learning
tools and the future I think will be to use multi-agent systems that can add additional layers
of sophistication to how we think about pricing so today we can simulate millions of different price
points and the conversion rate probability for complex basket of goods in manufacturing settings
in the future in the near future hopefully leveraging some of what Daniel Showcase with agent Builder I think we’ll be able to start to Overlay into those workflows a buying agent and
a selling agent interacting and simulating the negoti iation that would be had by the human
seller and the human buyer in the near future uh and that will add an extra layer of sophistication
and capability to those pricing engines that can then enable slightly higher margin uplift slightly
higher productivity upli so I think it’s really exciting and you’re working mainly then with structured information so is there any space where you use llms which are part for the the gentic AI
domain do you use llms at all or not required and in and how do you use them yeah uh so we
use them we use them in a couple of specific ways currently MH uh we leverage retrieval augmented
generation as part of a product we have on our AI platform called Cod driver uh and Co driver
can do a number of different things so let’s use the sales example again and the pricing optimization example if a seller has had a price range given to them by an AI tool often they will
be slightly cynical and perhaps dubious around the price range that’s being given to them to then go
and negotiate with the customer what llms can do is provide a level of explainability around how
the prediction was arrived at uh by indexing all of the predictive outputs that have been created
and then in natural language playing back to the the seller how we’ve actually arrived at that prediction which if we go back a couple of years it would have been a seller looking at a dashboard
and a graph and trying to unpick mathematically how we’ve arrived at at a price and you end up in a slightly Black Box situation so I see llms in that case Illuminating the black box of predictive
engines which is amazing MH uh I think uh other use cases uh starting to use llms as part of the
commun communication with the End customer as well so starting to curate specific types of communication when you have a price that you want to return to a customer what’s the most effective
way to then convey that information to elevate the probability of converting that business so it’s mainly supportive content to facilitate the communication and facilitate that part and on
the other hand for example you have an autonomous part in agentic where are we now and what are the
steps to go more autonomous and which parts are autonomous because Daniel mentioned as well there there’s one billion use cases and every use case can be divided in very small steps so autonomous
can be one small step autonomous versus ENT autonomous and there’s of course a big difference
yeah I I’m personally excited about autonomous multi-agent systems within Supply chains or within
uh commercial functions uh I think the likes of agent Builder and getting that tool into the hands
of RPA devs and data scientists and you know data engineers and starting to experiment with
how can we build these sophisticated autonomous systems um and to Daniel’s Point taking bite-sized
specialist parts of functions and experimenting and then scaling that out into more sophisticated
systems uh with multiple agents that are highly specialized interacting with each other I think
over the next year it’s going to be hugely exciting I can’t give a perfect prediction on when we’re going to see fully autonomous you know Supply Channing uh Supply planning multi-agent
systems or uh pricing agentic systems but I think we’re we’re not too far away and the innovations
that have being released by the likes of uipath incorporating with the likes of what Peak does on the machine learning optimization side I think I think we can get there within the next 12 months
or so and one of the key aspects is also real time data especially with pricing pricing can
change all the time sure so is this already applied where you inject realtime data use it
in your calculations probably so I expect that that aspect is already covered can you explain a little bit more and give some so there’s a few different dimensions uh with realtime data
there’s uh features that you can incorporate around competitor pricing which is obviously
changing continuously and a a great input into a pricing model uh there’s things like in the
manufacturing industry so haberg materials one of our customers the proximity of the manufacturing
facility to where the customer requires their building materials to be delivered is another
Dynamic situation uh where other uh kind of production plants and Manufacturing facilities
have specific output that they’re creating and in real time that mix of products that is being
produced and then sold by other salespeople will be adjusting continuously that’s a key feature
into a pricing model because obviously based on the quantity of material you have available to
sell will impact on on the price that you’re ultimately going to sell it for so th those different realtime Dimensions uh are critical to really sophisticated pricing engines uh and
pricing Solutions and again I think UI path with you know being the global leader in RPA and their
ability to capture data and feed it into other platforms and other systems very quickly is is a
great kind of solution for that and will be mainly business driven so if there’s the use case you put
that part in as a new type of case new type of automation one one last point is many people are
a little bit scared of taking their job sure how do you see this uh because there’s so many steps
in let’s say either a pricing optimization or an inventory optimization is it taking jobs or
is it supporting the people that are working in this domain yeah uh it’s an interesting question
and I think I sit on the side of optimism I have a a great belief in the inate creativity of human
beings who you know who knew we were going to have prompt engineering jobs a few years ago who knew we’d have social media management jobs 10 years ago you know so we have an incredible capacity to
create new interesting creative strategic roles for ourselves so I sit on the side of optimism I
think agents will inevitably replace some aspects of certain tasks and roles but I’m a big believer
that people will then be able to focus on the more creative corre strategic elements of roles and
we’ve seen that even when we’re deploying machine learning optimization Solutions into supply chain
functions the liberation of key people within those functions to then focus on things that are
you know innately creative and and strategic and human shaped uh that require critical thought and
I I’m a Believer we’ll be able to do more of that work and less of the mundane uh administrative
work that agents hopefully will be able to solve for us I I’m on the same path and but I I see it
happening indeed where there’s so many different steps that can be improved augmented Get Better Business results while keeping the job but the job will change and people need to change that’s
for sure because some parts will be taken over and support I think we all owe it to ourselves
as technologists uip path Peak sap everyone you do it already every day basically educ educating and
helping people understand AI is still an umbrella term that is thrown about quite Loosely at times
what is machine learning versus generative versus agentic helping people understand that will be
the first uh step of the path to helping people understand where where is their where is their
role and how can they best perform in a world in which you know increasingly algorithmic automation
is throughout our businesses so yeah I think I think we we can all do our part in helping educate
and upskilling everyone around us Chris thanks a lot yeah real pleasure great Insight I’m going to
continue my booth tour but uh it’s I really love the story and uh how you define the path from
where you are now to fully agent right thank you really great to meet you bye bye bye so this was
Chris he has great perspective for cpg for retail for manufacturing especially in price optimization
but also in the domain of inventory optimization mainly using structured information U but also
start using unstructured information especially for helping and facilitating the communication now
let me go to the next booth and um see if we can have some more interesting stories to to discuss
with you and to show you so many people probably have heard from this company and this person that
Shelton he is from infection AI it’s one of the companies that create most bus in the last month
and we’re going to have a conversation about the G Ki but especially about trust Ted how are you good R nice to see you yeah thanks for inviting me over here um we’ve seen Danny on stage you’ve been
on stage there’s a lot of rumors around rumors and let’s say noise around your your company um but we
want to know why and one of the key words I think is trust organizations look for trust if they talk
about agentic AI Daniel was explaining all the steps but how can you trust your AI and you have
some yeah I think amazing type of view amazing type of approach with inflection Ai and that’s why there’s so much bust around your organization can you explain how you manage trust absolutely
Ronald um I think we’re taking a contrarian view to the industry and a lot of people look at us and they say wait you guys are crazy um everybody else in the market all the other model Builders
whether it’s anthropic or gemini or open AI what they say is we’re going to run the model for you it’s a black box but you can trust us bring your data to us in the cloud keep your data
in our Cloud uh and we’ll give you a contractual agreement to make sure that we protect your data
and I think those are great contracts but there are some companies that say hey wait a minute um bad stuff happens uh we don’t want bad stuff to happen to us we actually really need to run the
a ourselves so we’ve switched that trust equation around and we said you know what instead we’ll trust you with our model keep your data uh and we will give you our model and we’ll help you run it
yourself and so that way it’s not a black box any longer and a company can own and control that AI entirely themselves so that private computer is what’s so important and talking about this black
book everybody want to have inside transparency on on the model but also if you look to the models
um all the companies that you were mentioning they have more generic models but you want to customize
it and personalize it for your organization now one technology that they use is R where they insert their personal data or the company data into the promt but you say this you should
do it differently you should have your let’s say organiz AAL identity and everything what you want
to remember in the model absolutely well so it’s not that rag is bad rag is good for certain kinds of data um but what we believe is that once you own your own model that you’re able to make it you
can make it your own you know if you’re Intel and you have your own Intel AI uh then Intel should be
able to say hey we’re going to make this AI know who Intel is what our history is who our CEOs were
uh all of our facilities all of our products right and also the culture the acronyms the way which
people interact with each other and and it’s not just training uh a model it’s not just fine-tuning a model but it’s also reinforcement learning so as my employees are using that model the model should
continue to improve and become a better and better coworker within that environment and that we you know one of the things we fundamentally believe is that AI is going to transform the way Enterprises
work uh it is going to be a Central Intelligence that every employee uses uh and employees want
to have an intelligence that they’re working with that they can feel like it’s a real coworker like it’s a part of their organization and understand the culture understand their personality you
understand basically everything what you want to have in the model absolutely but still with transparency and then of course um all the large language models they’re great because
they generate content often to provide additional insights but we’re here at UI path forward um you
were on stage and one of the key points for us is make your data actionable that’s right because if
you can transform the insights interactions then you really get business value that’s exactly right
Ronald I mean I think the um when we started to talk talking to Enterprises about what they really needed from AI U what we heard really clearly was we needed to be able to actually interact with our
Enterprise information systems and we needed to interact in a very deterministic way and we don’t
want it to be hallucinating when it’s interacting with our corporate systems right um and so we came
to uipath because uipath actually has that trusted Enterprise secure uh deterministic uh Automation
and workflow management um and so what we do is we put that llm that and and not just an LM but
an entire AI operating system on top of uipath so that when we uh are interacting with an employee
and an employee expresses a particular intent to interact with the system that we can trigger that uipath automation to go and pull information from one of those applications or put information into
or move information from one to another and it is that that is really going to unleash productivity in the Enterprise and yeah basically the whole toour that I have is about agentic AI um Daniel
and Stage explained it where are we now and where are we moving to if you look to agentic AI from
what is your role with inflection AI into this process of identic AI so what we believe is that
the human computer interface is going to be transformed by conversation um so what we aim to do is to be able to provide the Enterprise with a single conversational entry point for all their
employees to all Enterprise Information Systems um and so the challenges that uh that we’re going
to have over the next you know couple years is as AI becomes a part of all of these Erp and and
enterprise software systems is I’m going to have one conversation with SCP and then I’m going to have one conversation with workday and then I’m going to have one conversation with Concur and
then and and employees are going to go insane with all those different conversations just the same way they’ve gone insane with all the uis right so we think there’s an opportunity here to be the
friend of the uh employee by saying look there’s one entry point we’re the conversation layer uh
you have that conversation we then route that conversation we manage all those other AIS that are across the Enterprise we manage the actions through a UI path so that you have a consistent
way of being able to gather and follow workflows uh to get to get work done in a more personal and
comfortable human way with the in the governance that’s defined by the organization secure reliable
um in your own private Computing environment and with auditability and and compliance a bold statement to to make it happen but I think yeah a great View and I’m really going to follow you
really really closely and uh thanks a lot for sharing your story not only your stage but also
here with our audience and I’m going to the next uh the next one see if we can have more of these
type of great stories there’s Amazing Stories here enjoy your time yeah thanks thanks this was St
and I think they have um an amazing view amazing vision and I’m going to follow him closely if he
can execute on this and how the market is going to develop and I will keep you up to date of course
anach how are you I’m good how are you you have a wonderful journey and on one hand you can say if
you have a certification can you get any job or if you want something and you get the certification
you can basically get get anywhere can you explain your story how did you get started with the help
of certification to get your first role sure so my journey is quite interesting I started
with uath Academy so it’s the only place where I can learn a lot deeper and all about it and when
I started learning I realized yes you have to show your skills and the only way to show your
skills and prove that you are certified is to clear the certification and that’s when I got
my first certification of uath advanced developer certification and that’s when I landed on a job of advanced developer it was crazy amazing and then when I started exploring this new job that’s when
I realized now I can step up in order to step up I have to step up at a position of solution architect now how do I get this skills so I again started exploring and now there’s uipath solution
architect certification I learned about it I learned it all from uath Academy there’s a dedicated course for the certification and the moment you complete I have a certification
I show it to my organization internally also it helps you to grow within your organization as a
solution architect and it was the first one uh as a solution architect with certification of uipath
and then quite amazingly I got a fascination of completing all the certifications so I
went ahead I explored and uat has so many amazing certifications which you can clear and how many do you have I have all and how many is that I think there are like pretty much 7 to eight and
the very recent one new one is automation Suite that’s that’s where I’m headed now so yeah that’s
the only certification which is pending for now because it’s announced literally I got know about it today and then very recently just few months back when I was doing the job of program manager
project manager and now you know right everywhere AI is a new generation so everyone is talking about AI so how do you get a job in AI that’s very interesting and that’s when most of the companies
out there they have courses but they don’t have proper certification for AI and uath has advanced
AI professional certification which I completed I proved and I showcased because in order to get the
certifications you need to prove your work you need to actually have hands-on experience only then you can actually crack the certification so and what’s your role now so so currently I’m
working as an AI architect mhm and the part which actually helped me a lot to get this position of
AI architect is the certification let me tell you how so I was working as a program manager and if you want to step up the ladder from project manager to a New Journey or a new role so I saw
that there is opportunity as AI architect and most of the products out there they don’t have certifications but they have courses for AI uipath has a certification of professional AI which I
cleared obviously you need a handsone experience you need a good amount of experience to work with this product and the moment you have it I got the certification and I got the position as an
architect which is fascinating can you explain how the companies were thinking and how they are going
through their selection process and how they use these certifications so not from your view but from their view so as an organization what organization looks into is that the more certified
developers or the more certified professionals we have the more stronger appearance we have in the presence in the industry right so when they step outside when they talk with customers they
proudly say we have 20 certified developers we have four solution architect certified people
we have two AI professional certified developers so you can imagine we have the capability because
we have certified developers it helps a lot for them to gain advantage in the competitive
industry where most of the you know experts and companies are talking about AI but when you have
professional it helps you a lot in the industry to to gain more and in the end they want to get business but if you’re not certified and say oh we have somebody but he’s not certified it’s hard for
them to sell you so if you are certified you’re let’s say top of the list to get highed exactly
so it’s not only the benefits for company mhm from business side but it’s also from the networking
side marketing side you look at the community side every way you have benefits because once you are
certified you easily get connected with all the people from Community you get a good networking
and you get a good amount of people who are talking about you right so when you certified people ask you questions they recognize you and then that’s how your company gets benefit from
everywhere I’m talking about recognizing you many people will recognize him because you’re quite popular on your YouTube channel so you started sharing your knowledge as well after
doing your courses and it brings you a lot of nice relationships lot of exposure on on YouTube
and you have maybe some other channels but you’re famous in the UI PA Community I must say that’s
nice of course but that’s not the key part why you did the certifications certification you did for your job but um for all the people that want to learn something about U IOD they need to follow
you what’s your YouTube channel uh my name is n kadam my YouTube channel is also n kadam perfect
thanks a lot n Nar and uh follow Nar because then you can learn a lot and get certified because
that’s the way to get your job I’m going to the next booth and thanks for sharing see you again thanks so I’m continuing my tour and we’re going to look for some interesting part especially for
children where children can really benefit from Ai and and most people think maybe that
it’s dangerous to introduce children with AI but I think U we have a nice example here with Catalina
Catalina hi Hi how are you I’m good glad to have you here at our uad foundation Booth yeah thank
you thank you for inviting me and we have a tour with all kind of interesting views how AI is used
and you educate children and especially children that maybe don’t have access to the technology
because of their parents don’t have the resources or they are in the situation maybe at home where
they don’t have the access why is it so important for children to have access to AI technology
because normally people think oh AI or all this new technology when they’re older they can get
access to it but not now why is it so important yes I think that um we should give uh children
that live in poverty the same opportunities that uh kids in more privileged or more um well-off
environments uh have so we want to make sure that they have the same chances to reach their
potential through technology AI being one of the the skills that they they should acquire to be able to thrive in the in the future so I think it’s very important to at least give them the
basic understanding of what AI is how it works works how uh the ethics of of AI play out so uh
they are connected to the world and to the Future in the same way as other other kids and can you
explain a little bit the level of education is it Die Hard programming or is it more understanding
the whole scope what AI can do for you yeah we have uh actually we have several digital skills uh
initiatives to teach uh kids uh one of them is the the AI curriculum we we started with uh General
introduction into into AI uh where we teach kids the basics of of AI and how it works and how they
can make a good use uh of it which are its dangers which are it which are its advantages or um
how they can integrate it in their uh in their life in a meaningful way um and uh we also do
other types of digital skills with uh with kids we do programming um but uh we were really interested
in giving them this general knowledge uh to begin with and we will progress and and can you give
some examples because you just told me more than thousand students per year which is a lot so what
kind of progress do you see with these children how do they benefit from it so uh we serve one
,000 uh children uh each year with work that we do at the uad foundation um the pilot was uh for 100
students in in high school the AI pilot the other um students do all kinds of other educational uh
activities uh we received a very good feedback uh for uh from the children that took part in the AI
course uh they really enjoyed um having trainers uh that were uat volunteers so they were real life
professionals that use this kind of tools so I think kids really connected well with uh with them
we had a great completion rate and uh I think they want more they they gave us this this feedback and
we are working on it to to provide more knowledge for them yeah and especially if they say they want more then they liked it and if they can get their path with AI at least they can benefit
from it and can decide themselves uh how they can develop themselves faster better and uh teenagers
are very honest you know they like something they like it if they don’t they they will let you know you can see it they don’t do anything I I have some teenagers as well so I know why by heart
katalina thanks a lot and great great work keep on doing the great work much we are we are happy
to do to be doing this work and thank you for for making it more visible perfect thanks thanks
bye-bye so most of the people are gone already it’s uh it’s the end of the event
but I think it was interesting to understand what people think about gentic AI um what they
believe where they are now in the process what changes they need to make either to themselves
to the organization and how this is going to impact their job their Enterprise in the
positive sense I’m sure that the gentic AI is going to be an important topic um within the
industry it’s going to evolve and going to watch it closely thank you for joining here um at UI
paath forward number seven in Las Vegas it was a great event we’re closing down right now and U
looking forward to seeing you next time and of course I am also curious about what you think
how agentic AI will impact your future it can be positive or negative let me know in the chat and
I’ll get back to you thanks for watching and look forward to seeing you next time bye-bye
Agentic AI for agentic AI the key question of course is what kind of skills do you need we’re
going to discuss even how children start working with AI up to let’s say the experts if you’re an
expert and you want to educate yourself about Ai and want to start using it but also if you have
only industry knowledge or you have no knowledge at all how to get equipped to be successful with
agentic AI but much more we have some great great cases where we have insights in the cpg
market in the retail market and Manufacturing Market where we’re going to Deep dive and see
what is the current status of agentic AI where are we and what’s the path to success but also with companies like Canon where we dive deep into their whole journey from how they went
from nothing and some failure up to successful implementations of AI and now moving to agentic AI
and last but not least we’re going to talk about the company there is a lot of buz around positive
buz inflection AI they do something different something different than all the other llm
companies and there’s a reason for this where I believe many companies are waiting for this many
enterpris are waiting for this and I’m going to talk to Ted Shelton he’s a CO and he’s going to
unve his strategy and why it is so important so sorry about this join me and I’m going to rveal
these great stories here at uipath forward number seven already in Vegas great stories so let’s go
this again is a process that takes hours document processing is one of the key type of activities in
many organizations don’t end I have to found two people one from Canon and one from Green
Light Consulting and they had great case great case where they use document understanding and
document processing hi Thomas are you on hi nice how are you good agentic AI we have seen
Danielle doing his speech one part is the document understanding is part of agentic AI you’re working
at Canon yes and you work together on a project with document understanding maybe you can explain
how you started and how you moving step by step to agentic AI sure maybe you can kick off and
explain how did you get because I can imagine it’s not such an easy project right so how did you get
started so I think the best way to start is I heard somebody say yesterday AP invoices aren’t easy so we learned that right so and Canon has a lot of invoices a lot um so that’s a positive
thing yeah yes yes well you know the one the money goes out the door not so much but um you know so
we had a lot of invoices so one of our areas that we started with 4,000 invoices a month so um we
had uh a lot of people working on this just all entering invoices all day and we knew that we had
to to get better at this more efficient more optim optimal process um so we reached out to
uipath and I asked you know do you have something that can help us with this influx of invoices so
introduced us to Greenlight uh and they came in and introduced us to document understanding and
so you know we started the process I think uh took us about four or 5 months the first
test to get it up and running um and it’s been processing the invoices seamlessly I think we
have 90 over 90% stre through to our EBS system so that’s awesome so you know our staff isn’t sitting
there keying invoices all day uh and our team has become less of a payment Factory and more on the
vendor relation side right so this wasn’t about a headcount reduction this was about how can we use
our staff more appropriately right so a lot more vendor relations now uh they’re working together
with the vendors so but when you started you mentioned to me you had to struggle and then
you called youran yeah so our first pass at this was uh we failed right so you know it didn’t work
uh after about a year we shut it down it just it just wasn’t going to work um we were seeing maybe 35% straight through which is not it’s we’re better off keying them by hand at that
point right you see that quite often so you jump tons of times right and so what happens is I think
the technology is something that customers don’t know how to get going with at first and our team
has like a a blueprint for how to get this done uh we came in and did the first few automations
3 4 months something like that um and really showed like real success right and then we’ve
helped Canon kind of grow their team and be self- sustaining now right so that they can take the
next steps toward work agentic automation MH and invoice is quite a structured type of document if
so actually we started with the harder invoices right so they were very unstructured documents so um so we started with the hard stuff first right and then you know we just recently went so we were
so happy with the results of that we actually uh transferred all our AP invoices to document
understanding with green lights assistance um I can tell you their expertise in this area we would have never got it would never got it done without green light coming in and helping us you
know guide us down that that path so and we were talking about gentic AI so what kind of steps do
you see happening the coming 6 to 12 months you spoke even with with Daniel and probably you as
well um I I like to have both your views so you want to kick off sure so I mean first things first
we got to get to the Cloud right to really take advantage of these things so we’re we’re working with Canon right now to get them migrated to the cloud right uh and I think we’re going to
start to build that road map for what those use cases look like right once we’re there right uh
so we’re going to work with Tom and his team to build that funnel out and can you say something about this use case or you can jump in yeah so um we had we were very fortunate to have Daniel
visit Canon uh and he met with our CFO and our CTO about you know how how can we use these tools
autopilot um all the uh agent agenic uh RPA so we uh actually are systems that Canon are very
Antiquated they’re old right and Canon does not want to continue to invest in these systems right
so I think they foresee using for example like an autopilot on top of these older systems and have
autopilot kind of do the heavy lifting that these systems can’t do anymore for us um so in one area
especially is our copier billing so copier billing is very uh tedious and not easy a lot of steps a
lot of different contracts so we think autopilot can definitely assist that right so and ease the
burden off our our staff a little bit and where’s then the agentic part jumping in because currently
you’re more using API and document understanding so where’s which part of the agentic is the next
step that you’re going to use I think as Johan said we’re kind of Road mapping that right now
how we’re going to use this but I definitely think we have a couple of good use cases um I can tell you in my area which is finance um you know just giving our users easier access to the
numbers so one of the struggles we have today is when Senior Management asks for something it’s
kind of a scramble to get the number right so um we would love to have a tool like agent agentic
a AI over it to uh you know ask the question what what were our sales in copier last you know this
copier Division and have that returned right back to our CFO or our president right to not have this
scramble to get numbers all the time and I I think the thing that’s important to realize is that the automation part is still part of the agentic automation right so uh we’re still figuring out
what the bones and muscle of the automation has to be to so the agents can leverage that and return
return data and results faster and one part of the agentic AI is either have more autonomous
type of um processes do you see that happening as well or you have this already implemented where
some parts of the process are autonomous or do you still monitor it so uh I and we my team is mostly
we we keep all that in in the in our division so we run we create the Bots we you know we we time
them a lot of them are unattended so they run it various times so we manage that all we have not really um become a little we’re very centralized when it comes to RPA right so we haven’t gone
with that decentralized model yet and one of the other part is people are scared yes and they say
oh everything is re replaced we don’t have a job anymore but you I think you are the example where
the opposite is happening the the thing I think that people don’t realize is how much more you can do I I don’t know uh Tom you’ve mentioned before about you would think AP invoicing and automation
is not going to be a way to generate money but because you can have better conversations with your C with with your uh vendors right you can actually find a way to um invoice faster and
generate and generate money better right and and it doesn’t feel straightforward right so it’s not
about replacing job it’s it’s about doing the work better right faster right better service levels so
a Canon traditionally we never were able to take advantage of cash discounts that our vendors off at us yeah just because everything took so long to process the invoices right so today we’re actually
starting to take cash discounts in a lot of them right and it really that really goes right to our bottom line right and the CFO loves that right so um so that’s one thing I can say has been huge for
us and it was a benefit you didn’t I don’t know if you saw coming we did not plan for that yeah it was not planned at all right so it was one nice benefit that came out of this and this
is basically a whole process you went through if there are many companies that need to start with
just maybe RPA or more with AI how should they get started I truthfully I finance you know this is
just a finance guy here uh and as he’ll tell you but uh I think Finance is a great place to to go
always because it’s it’s heavily rule-based right um and repeatable and data accuracy is Paramount
right so it’s a great it’s a you can find a lot of great candidates in the finance area for sure yeah
so we live in a world of socks and GAP there’s rules right you said we have a lot of rules in accounting right so this does things that we don’t have to worry about that things are accurate we
like accuracy a lot so um and we like things done quickly but and accurate so that’s what
we’ve been able to to do perfect great insights in your story thanks nice to meet you Thomas
great and uh I’m going to to the next booth and uh thanks for for the great story thank you thank you
thanks I love this type of insights how they went step by step basically failing first and
based upon the failure understand that they needed help um asked an expert team from from
Green Light Consulting and helped them with the step-by-step process to get started in the the
domain of Finance with this document process and document understanding and build a great use case
which is probably relevant for you as well so let’s go to the next booth and see how they can
help you in understanding how to start with the gentic AI and step byep move into that direction
so let’s see if we can find some more people who have a different perspective on agentic AI um I
know Chris um Chris is really a thought leader in the domain for retail for CP G for manufacturing
and especially with regards to pricing and um inventory optimization Chris hi pleasure to
meet you some great speech from Daniel about the gentic AI but you are in a specific domain and
one it’s for Price optimization for inventory optimization especially in retail in in cpg manufacturing working for larger Enterprises so I would like to have an understanding in where are
we now today with the gentic AI Daniel explained five steps two of them were already there now
but how is the cpg market how is the retail Market how are you working with price optimization today
in this road map to ortic yeah sure I I think uh it’s an exciting time in the technology space
we’ve gone from several years ago deterministic analytics business Insight through to predictive
and probabilistic capabilities with machine learning through to the huge hype created with chat GPT hitting the market a couple of years ago generative L lamps and now a which can hopefully
pull all of those pre-existing Technologies together to unleash a new era of business
performance and uplift so I think where we’re at today we have machine learning optimization
that’s being leveraged by the likes of Nike hyberg materials in retail manufacturing uh to drive huge
margin uplifts productivity uplifts uh conversion rate uplifts using sophisticated machine learning
tools and the future I think will be to use multi-agent systems that can add additional layers
of sophistication to how we think about pricing so today we can simulate millions of different price
points and the conversion rate probability for complex basket of goods in manufacturing settings
in the future in the near future hopefully leveraging some of what Daniel Showcase with agent Builder I think we’ll be able to start to Overlay into those workflows a buying agent and
a selling agent interacting and simulating the negoti iation that would be had by the human
seller and the human buyer in the near future uh and that will add an extra layer of sophistication
and capability to those pricing engines that can then enable slightly higher margin uplift slightly
higher productivity upli so I think it’s really exciting and you’re working mainly then with structured information so is there any space where you use llms which are part for the the gentic AI
domain do you use llms at all or not required and in and how do you use them yeah uh so we
use them we use them in a couple of specific ways currently MH uh we leverage retrieval augmented
generation as part of a product we have on our AI platform called Cod driver uh and Co driver
can do a number of different things so let’s use the sales example again and the pricing optimization example if a seller has had a price range given to them by an AI tool often they will
be slightly cynical and perhaps dubious around the price range that’s being given to them to then go
and negotiate with the customer what llms can do is provide a level of explainability around how
the prediction was arrived at uh by indexing all of the predictive outputs that have been created
and then in natural language playing back to the the seller how we’ve actually arrived at that prediction which if we go back a couple of years it would have been a seller looking at a dashboard
and a graph and trying to unpick mathematically how we’ve arrived at at a price and you end up in a slightly Black Box situation so I see llms in that case Illuminating the black box of predictive
engines which is amazing MH uh I think uh other use cases uh starting to use llms as part of the
commun communication with the End customer as well so starting to curate specific types of communication when you have a price that you want to return to a customer what’s the most effective
way to then convey that information to elevate the probability of converting that business so it’s mainly supportive content to facilitate the communication and facilitate that part and on
the other hand for example you have an autonomous part in agentic where are we now and what are the
steps to go more autonomous and which parts are autonomous because Daniel mentioned as well there there’s one billion use cases and every use case can be divided in very small steps so autonomous
can be one small step autonomous versus ENT autonomous and there’s of course a big difference
yeah I I’m personally excited about autonomous multi-agent systems within Supply chains or within
uh commercial functions uh I think the likes of agent Builder and getting that tool into the hands
of RPA devs and data scientists and you know data engineers and starting to experiment with
how can we build these sophisticated autonomous systems um and to Daniel’s Point taking bite-sized
specialist parts of functions and experimenting and then scaling that out into more sophisticated
systems uh with multiple agents that are highly specialized interacting with each other I think
over the next year it’s going to be hugely exciting I can’t give a perfect prediction on when we’re going to see fully autonomous you know Supply Channing uh Supply planning multi-agent
systems or uh pricing agentic systems but I think we’re we’re not too far away and the innovations
that have being released by the likes of uipath incorporating with the likes of what Peak does on the machine learning optimization side I think I think we can get there within the next 12 months
or so and one of the key aspects is also real time data especially with pricing pricing can
change all the time sure so is this already applied where you inject realtime data use it
in your calculations probably so I expect that that aspect is already covered can you explain a little bit more and give some so there’s a few different dimensions uh with realtime data
there’s uh features that you can incorporate around competitor pricing which is obviously
changing continuously and a a great input into a pricing model uh there’s things like in the
manufacturing industry so haberg materials one of our customers the proximity of the manufacturing
facility to where the customer requires their building materials to be delivered is another
Dynamic situation uh where other uh kind of production plants and Manufacturing facilities
have specific output that they’re creating and in real time that mix of products that is being
produced and then sold by other salespeople will be adjusting continuously that’s a key feature
into a pricing model because obviously based on the quantity of material you have available to
sell will impact on on the price that you’re ultimately going to sell it for so th those different realtime Dimensions uh are critical to really sophisticated pricing engines uh and
pricing Solutions and again I think UI path with you know being the global leader in RPA and their
ability to capture data and feed it into other platforms and other systems very quickly is is a
great kind of solution for that and will be mainly business driven so if there’s the use case you put
that part in as a new type of case new type of automation one one last point is many people are
a little bit scared of taking their job sure how do you see this uh because there’s so many steps
in let’s say either a pricing optimization or an inventory optimization is it taking jobs or
is it supporting the people that are working in this domain yeah uh it’s an interesting question
and I think I sit on the side of optimism I have a a great belief in the inate creativity of human
beings who you know who knew we were going to have prompt engineering jobs a few years ago who knew we’d have social media management jobs 10 years ago you know so we have an incredible capacity to
create new interesting creative strategic roles for ourselves so I sit on the side of optimism I
think agents will inevitably replace some aspects of certain tasks and roles but I’m a big believer
that people will then be able to focus on the more creative corre strategic elements of roles and
we’ve seen that even when we’re deploying machine learning optimization Solutions into supply chain
functions the liberation of key people within those functions to then focus on things that are
you know innately creative and and strategic and human shaped uh that require critical thought and
I I’m a Believer we’ll be able to do more of that work and less of the mundane uh administrative
work that agents hopefully will be able to solve for us I I’m on the same path and but I I see it
happening indeed where there’s so many different steps that can be improved augmented Get Better Business results while keeping the job but the job will change and people need to change that’s
for sure because some parts will be taken over and support I think we all owe it to ourselves
as technologists uip path Peak sap everyone you do it already every day basically educ educating and
helping people understand AI is still an umbrella term that is thrown about quite Loosely at times
what is machine learning versus generative versus agentic helping people understand that will be
the first uh step of the path to helping people understand where where is their where is their
role and how can they best perform in a world in which you know increasingly algorithmic automation
is throughout our businesses so yeah I think I think we we can all do our part in helping educate
and upskilling everyone around us Chris thanks a lot yeah real pleasure great Insight I’m going to
continue my booth tour but uh it’s I really love the story and uh how you define the path from
where you are now to fully agent right thank you really great to meet you bye bye bye so this was
Chris he has great perspective for cpg for retail for manufacturing especially in price optimization
but also in the domain of inventory optimization mainly using structured information U but also
start using unstructured information especially for helping and facilitating the communication now
let me go to the next booth and um see if we can have some more interesting stories to to discuss
with you and to show you so many people probably have heard from this company and this person that
Shelton he is from infection AI it’s one of the companies that create most bus in the last month
and we’re going to have a conversation about the G Ki but especially about trust Ted how are you good R nice to see you yeah thanks for inviting me over here um we’ve seen Danny on stage you’ve been
on stage there’s a lot of rumors around rumors and let’s say noise around your your company um but we
want to know why and one of the key words I think is trust organizations look for trust if they talk
about agentic AI Daniel was explaining all the steps but how can you trust your AI and you have
some yeah I think amazing type of view amazing type of approach with inflection Ai and that’s why there’s so much bust around your organization can you explain how you manage trust absolutely
Ronald um I think we’re taking a contrarian view to the industry and a lot of people look at us and they say wait you guys are crazy um everybody else in the market all the other model Builders
whether it’s anthropic or gemini or open AI what they say is we’re going to run the model for you it’s a black box but you can trust us bring your data to us in the cloud keep your data
in our Cloud uh and we’ll give you a contractual agreement to make sure that we protect your data
and I think those are great contracts but there are some companies that say hey wait a minute um bad stuff happens uh we don’t want bad stuff to happen to us we actually really need to run the
a ourselves so we’ve switched that trust equation around and we said you know what instead we’ll trust you with our model keep your data uh and we will give you our model and we’ll help you run it
yourself and so that way it’s not a black box any longer and a company can own and control that AI entirely themselves so that private computer is what’s so important and talking about this black
book everybody want to have inside transparency on on the model but also if you look to the models
um all the companies that you were mentioning they have more generic models but you want to customize
it and personalize it for your organization now one technology that they use is R where they insert their personal data or the company data into the promt but you say this you should
do it differently you should have your let’s say organiz AAL identity and everything what you want
to remember in the model absolutely well so it’s not that rag is bad rag is good for certain kinds of data um but what we believe is that once you own your own model that you’re able to make it you
can make it your own you know if you’re Intel and you have your own Intel AI uh then Intel should be
able to say hey we’re going to make this AI know who Intel is what our history is who our CEOs were
uh all of our facilities all of our products right and also the culture the acronyms the way which
people interact with each other and and it’s not just training uh a model it’s not just fine-tuning a model but it’s also reinforcement learning so as my employees are using that model the model should
continue to improve and become a better and better coworker within that environment and that we you know one of the things we fundamentally believe is that AI is going to transform the way Enterprises
work uh it is going to be a Central Intelligence that every employee uses uh and employees want
to have an intelligence that they’re working with that they can feel like it’s a real coworker like it’s a part of their organization and understand the culture understand their personality you
understand basically everything what you want to have in the model absolutely but still with transparency and then of course um all the large language models they’re great because
they generate content often to provide additional insights but we’re here at UI path forward um you
were on stage and one of the key points for us is make your data actionable that’s right because if
you can transform the insights interactions then you really get business value that’s exactly right
Ronald I mean I think the um when we started to talk talking to Enterprises about what they really needed from AI U what we heard really clearly was we needed to be able to actually interact with our
Enterprise information systems and we needed to interact in a very deterministic way and we don’t
want it to be hallucinating when it’s interacting with our corporate systems right um and so we came
to uipath because uipath actually has that trusted Enterprise secure uh deterministic uh Automation
and workflow management um and so what we do is we put that llm that and and not just an LM but
an entire AI operating system on top of uipath so that when we uh are interacting with an employee
and an employee expresses a particular intent to interact with the system that we can trigger that uipath automation to go and pull information from one of those applications or put information into
or move information from one to another and it is that that is really going to unleash productivity in the Enterprise and yeah basically the whole toour that I have is about agentic AI um Daniel
and Stage explained it where are we now and where are we moving to if you look to agentic AI from
what is your role with inflection AI into this process of identic AI so what we believe is that
the human computer interface is going to be transformed by conversation um so what we aim to do is to be able to provide the Enterprise with a single conversational entry point for all their
employees to all Enterprise Information Systems um and so the challenges that uh that we’re going
to have over the next you know couple years is as AI becomes a part of all of these Erp and and
enterprise software systems is I’m going to have one conversation with SCP and then I’m going to have one conversation with workday and then I’m going to have one conversation with Concur and
then and and employees are going to go insane with all those different conversations just the same way they’ve gone insane with all the uis right so we think there’s an opportunity here to be the
friend of the uh employee by saying look there’s one entry point we’re the conversation layer uh
you have that conversation we then route that conversation we manage all those other AIS that are across the Enterprise we manage the actions through a UI path so that you have a consistent
way of being able to gather and follow workflows uh to get to get work done in a more personal and
comfortable human way with the in the governance that’s defined by the organization secure reliable
um in your own private Computing environment and with auditability and and compliance a bold statement to to make it happen but I think yeah a great View and I’m really going to follow you
really really closely and uh thanks a lot for sharing your story not only your stage but also
here with our audience and I’m going to the next uh the next one see if we can have more of these
type of great stories there’s Amazing Stories here enjoy your time yeah thanks thanks this was St
and I think they have um an amazing view amazing vision and I’m going to follow him closely if he
can execute on this and how the market is going to develop and I will keep you up to date of course
anach how are you I’m good how are you you have a wonderful journey and on one hand you can say if
you have a certification can you get any job or if you want something and you get the certification
you can basically get get anywhere can you explain your story how did you get started with the help
of certification to get your first role sure so my journey is quite interesting I started
with uath Academy so it’s the only place where I can learn a lot deeper and all about it and when
I started learning I realized yes you have to show your skills and the only way to show your
skills and prove that you are certified is to clear the certification and that’s when I got
my first certification of uath advanced developer certification and that’s when I landed on a job of advanced developer it was crazy amazing and then when I started exploring this new job that’s when
I realized now I can step up in order to step up I have to step up at a position of solution architect now how do I get this skills so I again started exploring and now there’s uipath solution
architect certification I learned about it I learned it all from uath Academy there’s a dedicated course for the certification and the moment you complete I have a certification
I show it to my organization internally also it helps you to grow within your organization as a
solution architect and it was the first one uh as a solution architect with certification of uipath
and then quite amazingly I got a fascination of completing all the certifications so I
went ahead I explored and uat has so many amazing certifications which you can clear and how many do you have I have all and how many is that I think there are like pretty much 7 to eight and
the very recent one new one is automation Suite that’s that’s where I’m headed now so yeah that’s
the only certification which is pending for now because it’s announced literally I got know about it today and then very recently just few months back when I was doing the job of program manager
project manager and now you know right everywhere AI is a new generation so everyone is talking about AI so how do you get a job in AI that’s very interesting and that’s when most of the companies
out there they have courses but they don’t have proper certification for AI and uath has advanced
AI professional certification which I completed I proved and I showcased because in order to get the
certifications you need to prove your work you need to actually have hands-on experience only then you can actually crack the certification so and what’s your role now so so currently I’m
working as an AI architect mhm and the part which actually helped me a lot to get this position of
AI architect is the certification let me tell you how so I was working as a program manager and if you want to step up the ladder from project manager to a New Journey or a new role so I saw
that there is opportunity as AI architect and most of the products out there they don’t have certifications but they have courses for AI uipath has a certification of professional AI which I
cleared obviously you need a handsone experience you need a good amount of experience to work with this product and the moment you have it I got the certification and I got the position as an
architect which is fascinating can you explain how the companies were thinking and how they are going
through their selection process and how they use these certifications so not from your view but from their view so as an organization what organization looks into is that the more certified
developers or the more certified professionals we have the more stronger appearance we have in the presence in the industry right so when they step outside when they talk with customers they
proudly say we have 20 certified developers we have four solution architect certified people
we have two AI professional certified developers so you can imagine we have the capability because
we have certified developers it helps a lot for them to gain advantage in the competitive
industry where most of the you know experts and companies are talking about AI but when you have
professional it helps you a lot in the industry to to gain more and in the end they want to get business but if you’re not certified and say oh we have somebody but he’s not certified it’s hard for
them to sell you so if you are certified you’re let’s say top of the list to get highed exactly
so it’s not only the benefits for company mhm from business side but it’s also from the networking
side marketing side you look at the community side every way you have benefits because once you are
certified you easily get connected with all the people from Community you get a good networking
and you get a good amount of people who are talking about you right so when you certified people ask you questions they recognize you and then that’s how your company gets benefit from
everywhere I’m talking about recognizing you many people will recognize him because you’re quite popular on your YouTube channel so you started sharing your knowledge as well after
doing your courses and it brings you a lot of nice relationships lot of exposure on on YouTube
and you have maybe some other channels but you’re famous in the UI PA Community I must say that’s
nice of course but that’s not the key part why you did the certifications certification you did for your job but um for all the people that want to learn something about U IOD they need to follow
you what’s your YouTube channel uh my name is n kadam my YouTube channel is also n kadam perfect
thanks a lot n Nar and uh follow Nar because then you can learn a lot and get certified because
that’s the way to get your job I’m going to the next booth and thanks for sharing see you again thanks so I’m continuing my tour and we’re going to look for some interesting part especially for
children where children can really benefit from Ai and and most people think maybe that
it’s dangerous to introduce children with AI but I think U we have a nice example here with Catalina
Catalina hi Hi how are you I’m good glad to have you here at our uad foundation Booth yeah thank
you thank you for inviting me and we have a tour with all kind of interesting views how AI is used
and you educate children and especially children that maybe don’t have access to the technology
because of their parents don’t have the resources or they are in the situation maybe at home where
they don’t have the access why is it so important for children to have access to AI technology
because normally people think oh AI or all this new technology when they’re older they can get
access to it but not now why is it so important yes I think that um we should give uh children
that live in poverty the same opportunities that uh kids in more privileged or more um well-off
environments uh have so we want to make sure that they have the same chances to reach their
potential through technology AI being one of the the skills that they they should acquire to be able to thrive in the in the future so I think it’s very important to at least give them the
basic understanding of what AI is how it works works how uh the ethics of of AI play out so uh
they are connected to the world and to the Future in the same way as other other kids and can you
explain a little bit the level of education is it Die Hard programming or is it more understanding
the whole scope what AI can do for you yeah we have uh actually we have several digital skills uh
initiatives to teach uh kids uh one of them is the the AI curriculum we we started with uh General
introduction into into AI uh where we teach kids the basics of of AI and how it works and how they
can make a good use uh of it which are its dangers which are it which are its advantages or um
how they can integrate it in their uh in their life in a meaningful way um and uh we also do
other types of digital skills with uh with kids we do programming um but uh we were really interested
in giving them this general knowledge uh to begin with and we will progress and and can you give
some examples because you just told me more than thousand students per year which is a lot so what
kind of progress do you see with these children how do they benefit from it so uh we serve one
,000 uh children uh each year with work that we do at the uad foundation um the pilot was uh for 100
students in in high school the AI pilot the other um students do all kinds of other educational uh
activities uh we received a very good feedback uh for uh from the children that took part in the AI
course uh they really enjoyed um having trainers uh that were uat volunteers so they were real life
professionals that use this kind of tools so I think kids really connected well with uh with them
we had a great completion rate and uh I think they want more they they gave us this this feedback and
we are working on it to to provide more knowledge for them yeah and especially if they say they want more then they liked it and if they can get their path with AI at least they can benefit
from it and can decide themselves uh how they can develop themselves faster better and uh teenagers
are very honest you know they like something they like it if they don’t they they will let you know you can see it they don’t do anything I I have some teenagers as well so I know why by heart
katalina thanks a lot and great great work keep on doing the great work much we are we are happy
to do to be doing this work and thank you for for making it more visible perfect thanks thanks
bye-bye so most of the people are gone already it’s uh it’s the end of the event
but I think it was interesting to understand what people think about gentic AI um what they
believe where they are now in the process what changes they need to make either to themselves
to the organization and how this is going to impact their job their Enterprise in the
positive sense I’m sure that the gentic AI is going to be an important topic um within the
industry it’s going to evolve and going to watch it closely thank you for joining here um at UI
paath forward number seven in Las Vegas it was a great event we’re closing down right now and U
looking forward to seeing you next time and of course I am also curious about what you think
how agentic AI will impact your future it can be positive or negative let me know in the chat and
I’ll get back to you thanks for watching and look forward to seeing you next time bye-bye
It's an exciting time in the technology space. We've gone from deterministic analytics and business insight through to predictive and probabilistic capabilities with machine learning, through to the huge hype around generative, LLMs and now agentic — which can pull all of those pre-existing technologies together to unleash a new era of business performance and uplift.
Chris Ashley
VP Global Strategy, Business Development & Partnerships at Peak
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