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Strategic Partner Product Roundtable

Event Details

When: 26 May 2021, 17:00BST
Where: Online
Speakers: Richard Potter, Peak CEO & Grant Hodgkinson, Peak CPO

We would like to invite you to join us on 6 May 2021 at 17:00BST for a roundtable discussion focused on CODI, our Connected Decision Intelligence system. Peak will share our vision for how CODI will transform business decision making, while also providing an opportunity for an interactive roundtable discussion to share your own experiences and aspirations for an AI-driven future. We are particularly keen to hear from you on connecting use cases between your marketing and demand planning functions.

Roundtable discussion | Connected decisions between Customer Intelligence and Demand Intelligence
We are keen to hear your thoughts on the opportunity to connect decisions in your marketing and demand planning functions. In other words, improving the interplay between generating demand and managing demand. In our experience, bringing these two functions closer together can deliver huge benefits.

How closely do these departments currently work together?
What have you tried before? Was it successful?
What opportunities do you see for this to drive value?
What could Peak deliver to support you on this?

The Agenda

17:00 | Welcome and introductions – Richard Potter
17:05 | CODI today – a brief recap on current capabilities – Grant Hodgkinson
17:15 | What is next for CODI – Our Decision Intelligence vision
17:25 | Q&A on our vision for CODI
17:40 | Roundtable session
18:20 | Closing Statements