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Accelerate value from Amazon S3 with Peak's Data Bridge

All the benefits of Decision Intelligence without having to move, duplicate or lose ownership of your data.

Amazon S3 + Peak

Peak’s Decision Intelligence platform can now connect directly with your Amazon S3 bucket using our Data Bridge, so your data never leaves your infrastructure.

This means you can accelerate the value from your Amazon S3 Data Lake by unleashing the power of Peak.

Crucially, Peak uses limited access IAM roles, bucket policies and AWS PrivateLink gateway endpoints so you control the security key to your data.

Peak can unleash the power of your data for the first time

A new Decision Intelligence platform, putting AI in the hands of commercial leaders to drive great decision making.

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All the benefits of Decision Intelligence. All the benefits of keeping control of your data.

  • Accelerate Growth

    Supercharge your transformation projects and rapidly drive increased value from your data by connecting Peak to Amazon S3.

  • Increase Security

    Worried about data transfer, don’t be! Peak connects directly to your Amazon S3 Data Lake so data stays within your walls and you control the keys.

  • No Data Duplication

    As data is only stored in your own S3 bucket, we don’t need to duplicate it across multiple locations, helping to ensure data integrity.

  • Flexibility

    You are the master of your own data, continue to use your existing system, your way, all the time.

‘Build’ or ‘Buy’? Why not ‘Blend’?

Your team is capable of a lot, but partnering with Peak can give you the boost you need to stay on time, on budget, and accelerate your AI transformation.

You get a winning combination of AWS and Peak technology, as well as Peak’s industry expertise and data science support.

In short, you get everything you need to succeed with Decision Intelligence.

Discover more about Peak’s applications for AWS customers

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How does it work?

Our Decision Intelligence platform used by data scientists to process data.


AWS PrivateLink S3 Interface gateway endpoint

This enables Peak to access your S3 bucket directly within a highly secure, virtual network. This means that data is not transferred across the public internet, but instead remains within your AWS account infrastructure. Data is not replicated across multiple locations, helping to ensure data integrity and compliance with specific data localization laws.


STS AssumeRole
These are temporary security credentials that Peak uses to assume an IAM role in your AWS account. You can grant access and remove access at any time as you hold the keys to your data.


Customer’s AWS Account
Your account infrastructure where your data is housed under your lock and key.

Let’s Get Started

If you’re interested in how Peak can help you get more from Amazon S3 and speed up IT transformation projects, enter your email below.